Sunday, February 20, 2005

Here it is almost the end of February already. I talked with Andy online Friday night (from Zambia). I told him about the upcoming chance of snow and he asked for some pictures. So, I thought I would do a little picture story of our Sunday snowstorm.

Schveni and I went for a walk in the thick of it. She faithfully trudged with me but was very happy to get back inside. (In the picture of Schven and me, I'm pointing to my miniature snowman that I made while I was waiting for Ell to come to the door and take our picture.

It was the kind of snow that was perfect for forts, snowball fights, and snowmen.

I hopped in the hot tub after our walk and turned off the jets so it was really quiet. The bird feeder nearby started attracting business and it was great to be able to watch them come and go and listen to their chatter.

Meanwhile, good ol' Schven (my faithful companion) had her head on the edge of the hot tub mournfully looking at me while her head completely covered over with snow. I took pity and dashed back inside. (it's really cold when your towel and bathrobe get snowcovered).

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the story.

With love,
Linda (Mom)


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