Sunday, November 28, 2004

Thanksgiving Weekend

It was a busy weekend. We had a small but fun group forThanksgiving dinner on Thursday. There were six of us: Grandma and Grandpa, Kelly and Greg, and Ell and I. We soon realized that we had lots of food left. (Now we know who the big eaters were!) Unfortuantely, all of our photos were lost in a computer glitch. We managed to talk with all of you children that day. Thanks for calling!

We all played sheepshead (except Dad -- who watched football and promptly fell asleep.) He was abruptly wakened by Deisel jumping up and giving him a face wash.

Friday the two shoppers (Ell and Kelly) headed off to the mall while the other two very sensibly slept in. (They were off at 6:30 in the morning!)

Late in the morning we headed out to beat the rain and chop down the Christmas tree. We took both dogs and headed to a new spot outside of Marshall -- now that we are eastsiders.

It was a quiet little farm. We found our tree and while chopping it down Diesel found some interesting liquid to roll around in -- probably deer urine. It made the Barton's drive home quite unsavory. Diesel got a bath and was soon bounding around the house happy as a clam.

The Jensen clan stopped in Friday night for a bit and it was fun catching up.

Saturday the shoppers were off again. This time Greg and I got to work on the lights for the tree. We ran into a few glitches (lights that suddenly stopped working after they were on the tree.) We sorted it out and Kelly and I decorated it in the afternoon.

The Bartons headed back on Saturday night. It was sure fun having them. They and Diesel are very fun to have around! Now it's back to work until Christmas! I'm sure looking forward to having all of your children under our roof.


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